General conditions
These General Contracting Conditions constitute the general regulation of the services provided by Docuklaud , based in Chile, for the contracting of any plan or any of the services provided by it.
Intellectual property
The Docuklaud .com website , as well as all the content and services offered therein, are the exclusive property of Docuklaud , and are protected by the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, as well as by current regulations on industrial and intellectual property, trademarks and patents.
Any reproduction, copy, distribution, transmission, alteration, modification or exploitation of the same not contemplated in this document is prohibited, except with the express authorization of the owner.
The intellectual property rights of belong exclusively to Docuklaud , so no access or use of the services and content made available to the user through this website may be interpreted in any case as an acquisition by the User of any right over the content contained therein.
Client rights and obligations
Communications between the Client and Docuklaud will be maintained via email, since it is essential that everything is recorded in writing, for the sake of processes and clarity in them, for both parties.
The Client will have the power to carry out the activities inherent to the task of monitoring the project – on its own behalf or through its representative – in order to know and verify compliance with the different phases of development, and its adjustment to the directives issued.
Likewise, it will be your own obligation to provide the maximum, timely and efficient collaboration to your contractor when it is required as a condition for the advancement of the project and its results.
If the client requests additional instances, as well as online meetings, these will have an associated cost per hour.
The content and material required to provide customer service must be in the requested formats so that the different elements can be extracted without having to perform any process. In the case of text, it must necessarily be in a format that allows it to be handled (Word), so that it can be easily copied and pasted and not as a graphic element that requires typing, for inclusion on the website. All photographs must be delivered in digital format and not printed.
The execution times of the service(s) are subject to the client delivering the materials in a timely manner and making the relevant corrections when Docuklaud requests it.
If the client who hires the web services requests corrections that are not reasonable (such as: changing the base design that he himself approved, once the project is finished) Docuklaud has every right to decide whether it is in a position to make them or not and if so, an additional price will be charged for them.
Prices, payments and validity of the proposal
All services have a price or price range established in accordance with the characteristics of the work required and the development time invested in its achievement. These prices may be subject to adjustments to compensate for possible market changes, or be temporarily replaced by special/promotional prices.
Docuklaud will prepare a proposal based on the request for the service(s) desired by the client. This proposal will quote the value of the investment, specify the payment methods and their validity.
Payment of a percentage of the price or its entirety is considered as a sign of acceptance of the proposal including its Terms and Conditions.
Una vez que el cliente haya pagado por cualquiera de nuestros servicios, los precios y validez de la propuesta se mantendrán por un máximo de 3 meses calendario. Transcurrido ese plazo, si el cliente no ha dado “señales de vida” necesarias para el avance del proyecto (como es el envío de los materiales, selección del diseño, respuesta de emails, etc.), sin importar las causas de su falta de comunicación, Docuklaud., está en su derecho legal de dar por finalizado el proyecto, con previo aviso por escrito a su contratante y el mismo no podrá demandar indemnización de ninguna índole.
La validez de la propuesta incluye lo que el cliente contrató inicialmente. Si el cliente quiere realizar agregados y/o cambios sobre lo que solicitó inicialmente, los mismos deberán ser cotizados aparte.
Contratos mensuales
Para todos aquellos servicios que sean de pagos mensuales, el contrato comenzará a regir desde el día de la contratación y su plazo mínimo será el estipulado anteriormente, prorrogable automáticamente de manera mensual, salvo que cualquiera de las partes comunique su decisión de no renovarlo a la otra. La comunicación de dicha decisión se deberá cursar por escrito con confirmación de lectura, con un plazo mínimo de 7 días previos a la renovación automática del contrato.
Servicio de hosting
Docuklaud., utiliza el servicio de Hosting con una empresa externa. En este sentido Docuklaud., no se hace responsable en el caso de que hubiera fallas en el servidor de Hosting. No obstante sí se compromete a dar soporte en caso de ocurrir fallas en el servicio y contactarse con la empresa de Hosting, para intentar resolver el problema lo antes posible.
Utilización de cookies
Docuklaud., utiliza “cookies”, que son pequeños archivos que se instalan en su computador y que lo rastrean de manera anónima para poder mostrarle publicidad y servicios relacionados. Estas cookies también se utilizan para contar sus visitas a nuestra web, las páginas que visita y el tiempo que permanece en ellas. Si usted no está de acuerdo con esta política, por favor no siga navegando por nuestro sitio. Navegar en este sitio web implica la aceptación de nuestro uso de cookies.
Interrupción/término de los servicios
Docuklaud., se reserva el derecho a terminar inmediatamente o suspender indefinidamente los servicios al cliente, si se comete una infracción, impago o si encontramos argumentos razonables para creer que se están violando nuestros Términos y Condiciones. Además, Docuklaud., se reserva el derecho a prescindir de los servicios a nuestra discreción, en caso de que el cliente adopte una postura que sea considerada inaceptable.
Política de entrega de los servicios
Upon receipt of your order, the services will be performed in accordance with the terms applicable to those you contracted for. The nature of the services you purchased and the date of your purchase may have an impact on the speed of performance of the services and they will be deemed to have been successfully delivered to you when you commence use of them.
Delivery Policy for Downloadable Digital Goods
Upon receipt of your order, you will be assisted to begin your download immediately or you will receive an email from us with instructions to do so. Upon receipt of such assistance, the completion of the process will constitute delivery of the item(s) you purchased. If you receive the email indicated above, your receipt will constitute delivery by us of the material purchased by you. In the event that you are unable to download them or do not receive instructions to do so, you must contact us within 5 days from the date of your order. If you do not do so, such material will be deemed received, downloaded and delivered to you.
Return policy
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you may return your order for a full refund or an exchange for another item or service. You may return or exchange your purchase within 120 days of the purchase date. Returned or exchanged items must be in the condition in which you received them.
Hacking and website security
As is public knowledge, some of the most important websites in the world have been hacked repeatedly: such as Facebook, the Pentagon website, the FBI, among others.
In this sense, it is clear that absolutely all websites in the world are exposed to attacks by hackers, who regularly use them as a platform for cyber scams (phishing).
Even though the hosting company takes the necessary security measures to protect your website, that does not guarantee in any way that it cannot be hacked. Hacks work just like viruses on computers. Even if you have the latest antivirus installed, that does not mean that you will not get more viruses on your computer. Hackers always find ways to launch them and get them past all security barriers. But clearly you are more exposed and vulnerable if you are not taking protective measures.
Docuklaud is not responsible and excludes any legal liability for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of the web services offered by the company.